The saving groups of Link Child Foundation focus on helping families to get jobs, income and knowledge to get out of poverty. The jobs they have or get are from selling food, coal, drinks, fresh vegetables and fruit in the market to working in hotels, in the transport industry, etc. The savings groups are also used as a gathering group where members talk about challenges, help each other and learn on health, hygiene, education, domestic violence, private economy, HIV and AIDS, etc.
We work by the model of VSLA (Village Saving and Loan Association). The primary purpose of a VSLA group is to provide simple savings- and loan facilities for people in a society that does not have access, or financial opportunity, to formal financial services such as banks. In these groups, they do not receive any money from the organization or sponsors but save themselves from private sources of income. They have a joint saving box where the money is kept so that anyone in the group can borrow. The groups also have a social fund, a kind of an insurance to members. These deposits come in handy for members in their time of need. They pay 10% interest for every time they take up a loan, but it goes back to members when the year is done and all the savings are shared out to the members.
Link Child Foundation currently has 30 groups with around 1000 members. There is a staff visiting all of the groups every week when they have gatherings, both to monitor and also to motivate the group members.